Trump Orders The Military To Shut It Down – Fasten Your Seatbelts! It’s Game Over

This past week, I have highlighted many of the crimes that were committed in 2020 when COVID-19 started, and while Donald Trump was President.

This has prompted some of the members of the Donald Trump followers to contact me and complain about my treatment of Trump in these articles, even though I was not attacking Trump personally, but just reporting the facts of what happened in 2020 that has now resulted in the deaths and injuries of millions of people, all implemented while Trump was president.

This is the “3D chess” view of Trump. He let all these things happen because he has a master plan to make everything right. He has a master plan to bring down Big Pharma. In this view, Trump had to participate in the murder of millions of people for the “greater good.”

Then there is the “Trump is stupid” view, which claims that Trump was fooled by all the people around him, and didn’t know what he was doing. These people want Trump to be president again, even though he has not repented or apologized for participating in all the criminal activities that were done in the name of COVID.

In this view, not only was Trump ignorant and is still not repenting of the sins he committed, he is “God’s chosen” man to be president.

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And M. Ruben is apparently not a regular reader of Health Impact News, as I have exposed the corruption in Florida and with DeSantis many times in previous articles, as Florida is a hub for child trafficking that DeSantis continues to not only allow, but also participate in, and he is also solidly pro-vaccine including pro-COVID-19 vaccine.

But what about Donald Trump? Is he truly God’s chosen man, or is he a Freemason like all presidents before him, serving Satan as his master who put him into power?

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