A key White Hat officer was murdered last month, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.
On Monday, December 19, U.S. Navy Commander Robert Ramirez was found dead in his home in San Diego. The Navy Times reported that Cmdr. Ramirez’s wife, Anne, tried to wake her husband that morning but found him unresponsive. The San Diego Sheriff’s department said they found no signs of foul play but did not immediately reveal a cause of death.
White Hats dispute the official account.
They said that Mrs. Ramirez was away from home visiting relatives the night of Cmdr. Ramirez’s death, and that he was supposedly home alone.
White Hats learned of Cmdr. Ramirez’s death the afternoon of the 19th and almost at once took possession of his body long before the San Diego County Coroner’s Office could have performed an autopsy. They brought the body to Camp Pendleton, where a medical examiner conducted a comprehensive postmortem examination.
Our source said that his corpse had no physical injuries or defensive wounds.
The medical examiner checked Cmdr. Ramirez’s records to see whether he had taken the jab; he had not, and documents suggested he’d been in pinnacle health, even at 47 years old. His death seemed a mystery.
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-https://t.me/MakeGreatNowA mystery that was solved on January 22 when toxicology results showed that Cmdr. Ramirez had ingested a lethal amount of cyanide, a chemical compound that causes weakness, nausea, difficulty breathing, seizures, cardiac arrest, and death—an excruciating death. Time from ingestion to death depends on quantity. The Camp Pendleton medical examiner reportedly said Cmdr. Ramirez had ingested enough cyanide to kill him in one minute.
“If his wife were home, she would’ve heard him screaming and saw him puking his guts out,” our source said.
When asked how the medical examiner ruled out suicide, our source answered bitterly, “Cmdr. Ramirez didn’t kill himself with cyanide. Even if he wanted to off himself, he would’ve found a less painful way to do it. He was an intrepid officer with 27 years of service, just named commander of SEAL Team 1 right before he was murdered. He was a valued member of the White Hat community.”
Asked whether White Hats had interviewed the wife, he said, “I’ve said what I can. The investigation is ongoing, so I can’t discuss leads or who we’ve talked to.”
During his years of meritorious service, Ramirez was awarded three Combat Action Ribbons, having been in combat situations in three different theaters of war and five Bronze Star medals — two with “V” devices, signifying valor and acts of heroism while in combat.
General Smith said Cmdr. Ramirez’s death is a devastating loss.