War Alert! Massive Preparations Underway! Governments Rapidly Building Giant Bunkers, Subterranean Warfare Prep, Emergency Operations! – Canadian Prepper
Even underground bunkers have a weakness. You need lots of food, and water, and when everything runs out you have to come out! They also need oxygen depending on how deep and complex it is.
For centuries soldiers fought wars not because they hated the people in front of them, but because they loved the people that were behind them. In 2024, Respect to all service men & women. Who pledge their lives daily, for our freedom & that of others. They are much more honorable, honest, hardworking & sympathetic towards their own nations interests Vs our actual global leaders currently!
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***MakeGreatNow ON TELEGRAM!***
-https://t.me/MakeGreatNowSubterranean warfare is beneficial, but only when you’re playing defense. The tunnel and fortification only extend into areas that you control. If you want to move forward at all, you can no longer depend on your system of tunnel.