There is a scientific article about the death of Jesus, published in 1986 in one of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world—the JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association.
The article is titled “On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ”.
In it the authors prove that the Roman flogging process was horribly cruel. Technical details are outlined, which, along with the Biblical narrative, provide a comprehensive overview of this entire process, from the trial to death on the cross.
Before judgment, it is narrated in Luke 22 that Jesus was in deep distress and sweating blood. Although a rare phenomenon, doctors recognize this feature as hematidrosis, which can occur due to high levels of stress.
After being judged, Jesus was violently whipped with a leather whip, with tiny balls of iron on the tips and pointy bones. The balls of iron caused internal injuries and bones tore apart flesh, exposing skeletal muscle and causing major blood loss, which probably left him in a pre-collision state.
After severe flogging, Jesus was mocked, spat on, and forced to carry his own cross to Golgotha.
During the crucifixion, the accused was thrown on the cross on the ground, and nailed with nails as long as 18 inches long on the wrists and feet.
Crucifixion was a process that produced intense pain and caused a slow and suffocating death.
Breathing was extremely painful. With every breath, Jesus had to lift his back up in live flesh, dragging it across the wood, and supporting all the weight on the feet, which were nailed. Fact that it increased blood loss and caused terrible pain.
The causes of death by crucifixion could be several, but the two most common were hypovolemic shock and suffocation from exhaustion.
When the Gospel of John narrates that after Jesus’ death a soldier transfered him with the spear and came out “blood and water”, the scientists explanation is that the water probably represented pleural fluid and serous pericardium and habr It was preceded by the flow of blood and it would be less volume than blood. Perhaps in the scenario of hypovolemia and acute heart failure, pleural and pericardic flashes could have developed and been added to the apparent volume of water.
Only by analyzing Jesus’ physical suffering, do we realize how terrible it must have been to endure all this.
Intense stress, sleepless night, unfair judgment, inhuman lashing, mocked and still having to carry his own instrument of death.
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***MakeGreatNow ON TELEGRAM!***
- even MORE So!
What “weighed” on His shoulders were our sins.
Isaiah prophesied:
Isa 53:5: “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” {King James Bible}
He was the sacrifice. Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Only God who became a man could reconcile men to God.
That’s why we say sacrifice was for love, because He had no sin, we did. If sin begets death, it was us who were to die, not Him.
So all your rot, all your evil thoughts and actions, all your rebellion against God.. this was all on Christ’s shoulders.
And He overcame not only sin but also death!.
When you think your life is too hard, that nothing is working, look at this picture and remember all that Jesus went through for the love of you. The punishment that brings us peace was upon HIM. THERE ARE NO EXCUSES!
Happy Easter Everyone! Christ is Risen, Alleluia!
The stone has been rolled away. Jesus is risen and reigns as the Prince of Peace forever. Enjoy celebrating the risen Christ with your loved ones today. Celebrate, knowing that He has come that we may have life; life to the full.
May this Easter bring joy and happiness to all my beautiful friends.
YOU! Yes you… this is for you!
You all are a special part of me, and I want to appreciate you on a triumphant day, like today.
May God bless you with the immense happiness of the world upon you and your family for now and always! Amen.
Yours truly,
Medeea G.