Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent news of the World Health Organization with permission from the United States government updating their international medical classification system and adding new diagnosis coding for the unvaccinated.
Since World War 2, the United States government has had a tracking system for disease which also gave the government the “right” to round those people up and quarantine them, or even medicate them.
Today, the WHO has changed this system known as the “International Classification Of Disease” system (ICD) to include the unvaccinated, essentially defining those who do not wish to be injected with poison “diseased.”
“Code Z28.310” gives governments permission to not just lock up the unvaccinated but also give them a digital credit score based on their compliance, unveils private medical information and may in the future be used to not give insurance payouts. People may also not be given medical care when they need it due to this system update and this does not just incapsulate the United States. This system can be seen by medical “professionals” anywhere in the world.
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***MakeGreatNow ON TELEGRAM!***
- that the U.S. government signed off their sovereignty to the World Health Organization, we are seeing more and more technocratic moves of this type, forcing us into a far more evil transhumanist world order.