New David Wilcock: ‘Warning Event Issued’ or “First Wave” Has Begun – Ascension Mysteries – Archael Michael Prophecies

The Law of One explains that as we reach fifth-density, throat-chakra understanding, our spiritual focus is on Honor, Duty, Will, Communication and Wisdom. Join David in an exciting discussion about how these often-overlooked principles fit into an advanced, holistic spiritual integration program. By learning how to apply the Teachings of Honor and Duty in your own life, you can be cleared for much more exciting ET interactions in the future. The Sun has already given us an initial Warning event, just a few days after David reported on the stunning Virgin Mary of Garabandal prophecies. Archangel Michael speaks in Garabandal of a ‘Warning’ that is nearly identical to the “First Wave of Ascension” concept he revealed in the Michael Prophecies.

Apparently, this ‘Warning’ or “First Wave” will be a global consciousness activation that temporarily reveals the true nature of our souls, our spiritual destiny and purpose. The Garabandal prophecies also include the concept that our society will reject this with some sort of skeptical explanation related to the effects of solar fields upon the body. The Michael Prophecies clearly indicate that by following the more advanced spiritual practices, we can have far more dramatic effects when the First Wave actually arrives.

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The concept of universal, all-encompassing love is still only “Fourth Density” in the Law of One spiritual system. This is the foundation of the remaining spiritual journey. We then Ascend into fifth-density by incorporating the practices of Honor, Duty, Will, Communication and Wisdom. David will discuss the exciting implications of these teachings for today. Don’t miss it!

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