Looney Tunes New Jersey Schools Blame Trump for New Mask Mandates

Edit: This story was written several days ago, and posted 1/24/2023. It seems the school district in question did lift it’s mandate on 01/23/2023, a day before the article was posted. Therefore, there is currently no mandate. Thank you to the commenters who pointed this out, even if rudely. Yes, we should have checked the district website this a.m. before running the story. However, they did indeed have a mandate in place previously. We appologize for the error and are keeping the story up along with this correction.

The Passaic School District in New Jersey added revisionist history to classroom curriculums when students returned to class after winter recess in early January, with liberal educators scapegoating Donald Trump as the reason kids were once again forced to wear bacteria-ridden facemasks eight to ten hours a day.

Children questioning the necessity for renewed mandates were told to blame Trump because he had not acted quickly enough to stop the spread of Covid-19. Kids were told that Trump’s feckless leadership allowed the Covid-19 Beta and Omicron variants to mutate into the more transmissible XBB.1.5 variant, which, teachers said, was spreading like an uncontrolled wildfire sickening children across the country.

At Etta Gero School, one teacher encouraged 4th-grade students to remind their parents and older siblings not to vote for Trump in 2024, as another Trump presidency would “make covid worse,” and children would have to wear masks forever without reprieve.

Votes matter in Passaic County. Although it leans Democrat, 41% of registered voters voted Republican in the last presidential election, a 6% increase from 2016. Educators there seem bent on impugning Trump’s character and grooming malleable minds to demonize and vilify the 45th President of the United States.

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Real Raw News spoke with the parents of an 11-year-old boy whose teacher, a particularly nasty creature, chastised him for momentarily lowering his mask to catch a normal breath of air.

“My son has asthma; the school knows this. He has trouble wearing a mask for too long without a break. What the school’s doing is cruel, inhumane. And on top of that, when he asked why he couldn’t take the mask off for just a few seconds, the teacher told him to ‘ask Trump’ and ridiculed him. It put my son in tears, and then Jenna [last name redacted] told him to go cry to Trump,” the boy’s father said.

Unethical teaching is endemic to the district.

A few miles away at Daniel F. Ryan Elementary School, teachers are telling children that if Trump wins in 2024, he’ll abolish mask mandates and proliferate the spread of disease. Kids opposing mandates are often sent to detention to write an essay on how Trump nearly tricked the country into drinking bleach to cure Covid-19 and why masks are necessary to keep society safe.

A math teacher speaking under promise of anonymity told RRN that liberal Leftists dominate the district and that teachers with conservative values must hide them or risk losing their jobs.

“There’s a concerted effort here to speak negatively about Trump at every opportunity. I voted for Trump twice, but if I espouse conservative principles, I’ll be ostracized and made very uncomfortable. Some of my colleagues are teaching students that Trump caused Covid,” he said.

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