Look who has his hands in Sears?
Warren Buffett!……That is all we need to know!
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win
genie decode will be doing a video soon with a saint janine club member
and will tell you the Hidden Knowledge….yeap they are all stealing christian’s info…..
saint janine said christian is getting info from Reptilians
but that back fired on the witch…..
and so they now steal his info and change it and charge the dummies…
you can not make this shit up!!!
what these clowns have no idea is that they will all be rounded up..
and all the money they have stolen from naive sheeple…ain’t going to help them.

Paige the artist…..answer to your question
Yes you will have sex when you go back Home

never said 5D..Home is were you came from……
remember everything you have been taught is a LIE
so much for kent dunn,smelly PEREZ,david Wilcock,corey goode and his boys on Gaia
Eleana D,michael salla,drake bailey and the rest sharing the BS
The BLIND teaching THE BLIND

I explained this here in 2019..but has been removed by the BITCH BOYS….WHY???
SEX has to do with connection to GOD SOURCE…DIVINTY
SEX is extremely healthy
and you do not have to have an orgasm
a SPIRITUAL ORGASM is what will connect you to GOD SOURCE.
The VATICAN did not want you to have sex long time before the Holey buy bull…WHY???
and the womans orgasm can be used to HEAL many problems.
I am not talking about clowns lie charLIE ward,nina ROPA DOPA, EGO sarge who want to nail every woman like Billy Crystal said in the movie When Harry met Sally

comment by Mrsmangee
The word sex has so much lust around it, lot of dark energy put into it, as we are finding out.
I have learned that the orgasm has been distorted from its original purpose. Your body has forgotten the cosmic orgasm of which it is capable, because the controllers with their agenda has taught you for thousands of years that sexuality is bad. You have been taught this in order for you to be controlled, and keep you from seeking the freedom available through sexuality. Sexuality connects you with a frequency of ecstasy, which connects you back to your divine source and to information.
They really twisted and warped sexuality with all this porn,
transsexualism, and transgender crap. And they have no problem pushing it on our children.

when I drowned around 21/2 years of age I was surrounded by golden light that felt like warm water and it drew me through a tunnel to a pinpoint of light. When I focused on the light I was in its presence and it was purely orgasmic and all colors of light together. I realized I no longer had a body eyes and I could look into it without going blind. I don’t remember the review, but I do remember regret that my family wouldn’t know what happened to me. I was told I was not ready because I had to think about the regret over my wasted life and I was sent right back in. I never lost that connection and what blue is describing is what I felt. I realized sexual activities is a way to remember that beautiful orgasmic connection with all that is. I actually and bit of a monk cause I never found someone like me. I am hoping 5d I will meet more people like me and have some fun

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