And We Know: Staggering Iowa Stats, TDS Full Alert, Vivek Comms, Hailey Push Plan Unveiled, WEF Demons Gather, Pray! – Must Video

And We Know: Staggering Iowa Stats, TDS Full Alert, Vivek Comms, Hailey Push Plan Unveiled, WEF Demons Gather, Pray!

What’s most astonishing about these lunatics is their apparent sense of self-importance. As though they are the leading authority on what ” we the people” can and can’t do, should and shouldn’t do.

In no way shape or form is the garbage they are spewing going to manifest.

We the people have much more power collectively than a handful of nutjobs who think their only mission in life is to rule over us with the hidden intent of eventual annihilation the peons.

I’m surprised with ego’s that big that they can all fit in the same room honestly.

You all can eat your bugs, walk everywhere, be gagged and censored, live in a 15-minute city where ” You will own nothing and be happy” and whatever other little “goodies” you had in mind.
Line up and take all the experimental jabs you like.

***MakeGreatNow ON TELEGRAM!***

***MakeGreatNow ON TELEGRAM!***

The people of the USA will not acquiesce to your bipolar insanity. In your vain attempts to appear superiorly intelligent on all matters, we suspect that you are only legends in your own minds.

If the rumors are to be true, then thankfully at least a few of you have already been at the Gitmo Spa for an extended stay or a one-way ticket out while your doppelgängers are on parade.

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